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hong kong

Feria de Arte «Affordable Art Fair» Hong Kong

Del 16 al 19 de mayo de 2024

Gabriel Lass, participará en la feria de arte Affordable Art Fair  de Hong Kong 2024. Sus obras, que exploran la identidad y la experiencia humana a través de la pintura y la escultura, estarán en exhibición del 16 al 19 de mayo en el Centro de Convenciones y Exhibiciones de Hong Kong.


Exposición Colectiva «Magnifica, Da Roma a Hong Kong» Roma, Italia

Del 5 al 18 de abril de 2024

La exposición «MAGNIFICA, Da Roma a Hong Kong» incluye a algunos destacados artistas europeos. Esta exposición, que se está llevando a cabo, estará expuesta hasta el 18 de abril. Es una auténtica celebración del arte contemporáneo. No te pierdas la oportunidad de contemplar las obras de Gabriel Lass y otros talentosos artistas en este evento único en Roma.


Feria de Arte  «Art UpCLOSE» New York, EEUU.

Del 4 al 7 de abril de 2024

Gabriel Lass, reconocido artista visual contemporáneo, participó en la exposición digital ART UpCLOSE en Nueva York. Esta emocionante exposición estuvo disponible del 4 al 7 de abril como parte de Artexpo New York. A través de esta plataforma digital (ART UpCLOSE), Gabriel Lass y otros destacados artistas tuvieron la oportunidad de mostrar sus obras al mundo entero.


Feria de Arte  «LA Art Show», Los Ángeles, EEUU.

From February 14 to 18, 2024

The 26th edition of the art fair will offer an unparalleled artistic experience with more than 100 galleries from 18 countries exhibiting painting,
sculpture, photography and programs curated by major museums, such as the Los Angeles Museum of Art and the Museum of Latin American Art. The show will include contemporary and modern art. It will take place February 14-18, 2024 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, recognized as a host to key events including the Emmy and Grammy Awards.


Collective Exhibition “La Metafisica della Luce”, Bellini Palace, Florence. 

From January 27 to February 10, 2024

The group exhibition 'La metafisica della Luce' presents a fascinating journey through abstract contemporary art, where light becomes the muse that guides viewers towards a universe of shapes and colors without limits. Among the prominent international artists participating in this exhibition is Gabriel Lass, whose creations challenge the boundaries between the tangible and the ethereal.

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Collective Exhibition “AD ASTRA”, Campano Museum, Capua. 

From December 9 to 29, 2023

«Ad Astra»: A unique experience awaits you at the Campano Museum in Capua. Discover the fascinating exhibition that brings together the captivating works of Gabriel Lass and other leading international artists. From the opening on December 9 until the 29th, immerse yourself in an artistic journey that challenges limits and celebrates creative diversity.

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Individual Exhibition «Artistic Intimità», Palacio Ducale Sanchez de Luna Sant’Arpino

From November 12 to December 7, 2023

The majesty of this 16th century Doge's Palace is transformed into a dream setting for Gabriel Lass's solo exhibition. Under the title "Artistic Intimacy", this exhibition stands as a visual sanctuary where Lass's strokes dance in harmony with the architectural opulence of the past. It is a meeting between the ancient and the contemporary, where Lass's art reveals the richness of "Artistic Intimacy" in each brushstroke.

cartel nyc

Collective Exhibition, «L’avvento della Modernità, from Beautiful to the Sublime, from Firenze to New York», Agorà Gallery, New York City

September 29, 2023

Prepare to be mesmerized by an extraordinary art exhibition, as “L’Avvento della Modernità, Dal Bello a Sublime, Da Firenze a New York” takes center stage at the prestigious White Space Chelsea and Agorà Gallery. The exhibition, curated by the renowned Francesco Gallo Mazzeo, promises to be a captivating journey into the realm of modern art, with a collection of exquisite works by several international artists.


Collective Exhibition, “Overview” Gallery of the Angelica Library, Rome

From September 5 to 13, 2023

The Overview exhibition aims to present the multiple facets of the contemporary artistic panorama, emphasizing the value of the internationality of the expressive languages ​​presented, as a fundamental element to create a web of relationships that stimulate confrontation.

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Collective Exhibition, “Oltre i confini” Rocca Paolina – Sala Cannoniera, Perugia

From August 26 to September 10, 2023

«Oltre i confini» means Beyond the borders, it is a meeting of artists from different parts of Europe: Italians, Austrians, Croatians, Dutch and Spanish with different types of artistic manifestations: paintings, sculptures, photographs, installation. The inauguration is on Saturday, August 26 at 6:00 p.m. in Rocca Paolina, an emblematic place that is part of the Renaissance architecture of Perugia. 


Collective Exhibition, “Break a leg” Luigi Bellini Museum, Florence

From June 16 to 30, 2023

When you wish for someone to “break a leg” you are not giving a bad wish but rather expressing good luck. The expression is used above all in the theatrical environment: a simple “good luck” would have the opposite effect!
Luck means destiny, whether positive or negative. We are the ones who have to give it the real meaning and establish what is good for us.
Being positive helps, sometimes being lucky means being able to stop if we are not sure about something. Art is surely a flight that makes us overcome obstacles, both for artists and observers, it is a way of seeing life through beauty.
Participating artists will focus on how we can remain positive through their creations.


Collective Exhibition «(Es)temporary» Egypt embassy in Rome

From June 8 to 22, 2023

Given the importance of the host institutional headquarters, the exhibition will only feature international artists with a solid artistic resume who come together to celebrate Art as expression of absolute freedom and universal language capable of surpassing any space- temporary barrier. Creative language becomes constructive and peaceful dialogue. Intercultural exchange that allows creative communication that stimulates thought and communion among people Creativity becomes an input to go beyond the aesthetic image and reach a intimate journey that involves everyone, not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also, and above all, critical and sensory. Each creation is loaded with pro-positive communication that goes beyond balance, beauty, formal aesthetic, and awakens a multicultural consciousness that embraces all differences.
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Collective Exhibition, “Genius Loci” Baluarte del Duque, Santa Pola

From June 3 to 26, 2023

«Genius Loci» It is a very significant expression that can have multiple valences and meanings. In the artistic context of this exhibition, it makes sense due to the ties and exchanges and the artistic and cultural influences that exist between the Italian and Iberian peninsulas. Contamination and artistic and cultural exchanges resulting from a common history between European countries and also the African continent sharing the Mare Nostrum.


Collective Exhibition, «Urban Traffic» Cael Gallery, Milan

From June 1 to 15, 2023

Urban trips make us reflect on the hundreds of minutes we lose every day in city traffic, in the hours we spend in the car, in the endless queues that we sometimes witness. The topic of this contemporary art exhibition does not want to highlight only the concept related to the city and its traffic but an artistic interpretation in the moments that this mobility situation forces us to face.

Collective Exhibition, “Pantone” Azur Gallery, Madrid

From April 20 to May 20, 2023

As an ode to Pantone and the first essential color guide for the universe of creativity and design, Galería Azur Madrid presents a selection of images that intertwine ideas, precepts, representations and beliefs of artistic practices linked to color.


Collective Exhibition, “The Island of Creativity”. Museum of mar

From March 25 to April 23, 2023

The Island of Creativity It is celebrated in Santa Pola, Alicante. It is a concentration of artistic proposals, the result of the encounter between nature and art, which are hidden in the wonderful island of Tabarca. It features some artists such as Gabriel Lass, Héctor Acevedo, Diana Escandell, Paloma González, Raúl’s Roads among others. 


“Etéreo” in Los Pájaros Ateneo Huertano

From March 3 to March 31, 2023

Ethereal, something intangible, subtle, vaporous, at the same time something that does not belong to this world, this sensation of incorporeality is what Gabriel Lass seeks to convey in this series of paintings. Deep spots of color, undefined strokes and cold tones predominate in the compositions. In Etéreo, Gabriel Lass is in search of the emotional, capturing in this series of paintings images projected directly from his inner world. It is about disconnecting from reality and connecting directly with the canvas, the colors, the textures and the shapes.

Otro Sitio Súper Chulo de exposición

From March 3 to March 31, 2023

Lorem Ipsum es simplemente el texto de relleno de las imprentas y archivos de texto. Lorem Ipsum ha sido el texto de relleno estándar de las industrias desde el año 1500, cuando un impresor (N. del T. persona que se dedica a la imprenta) desconocido usó una galería de textos y los mezcló de tal manera que logró hacer un libro de textos especimen. No sólo sobrevivió 500 años, sino que tambien ingresó como texto de relleno en documentos electrónicos, quedando esencialmente igual al original.

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